Monday, May 23, 2016


I'm sorry this post is late but I was a little busy with finals and GRADUATING from college woo!

I got to walk across the stage without braces and take pictures without worrying about which way my head was turning, I could not be more thrilled and grateful.

Some updates:

1. The left side of my smile pulls up farther than the right side, I assume that is just muscle memory because my jaw was crooked for so long, not concerned about it just an observation.

2. My jaw clicks sometimes, I only ever hear it on the right side and only usually when I am eating something particularly chewy. It also clicks more when its raining.

3. I have been diligently wearing my retainer at night and whenever I am just lounging around during the day, I haven't noticed any shifting so its working yay! I have an appointment in two weeks to get the more heavy duty retainer that I will wear at night.

4. I got a job! This summer I will be a counselor at a camp for children who have experienced trauma which is very exciting! Unfortunately, it also means that I might not be able to post for the last two months of my year long recovery. I promise to update for both when I can as it is a huge event.

Thats all I have for you right now!