Tuesday, July 26, 2016


I am so sorry that this post is late I have been crazy busy this summer! I have some great news though!

Unfortunately the camp job didn't work out due to some personal conflicts (none jaw related) but I got hired full time at a hospital and I am moving to MA! I am so excited about this new phase in my life and I can't wait to get started.

So jaw updates... there are none. I had an appointment with the surgeon today, the last one EVER (as long as I don't get punched in the face or suddenly have trouble breathing through my nose) and he said that everything looks good.

I can't believe I am already 11 months post-op, last year at this time I was just getting ready for the surgery and now I am almost fully recovered! Thanks again for following this blog and I will make my last post on/around the 1 year post op date!