Saturday, December 17, 2016

Holiday Update

Happy Holidays Blogisphere!

I am now about a year and four months post-op, and I just got back from a family party where I was told a couple dozen times how good I look--which is very kind of everyone! I'm feeling very thankful for the privilege of being able to get this surgery when I did. Since April I have been swelling, braces and restriction free which feels amazing. It really is incredible to show up at a family party and FINALLY see a resemblance to family members now that my face isn't deformed.

Again, if you are looking into craniofacial surgery to correct any kind of abnormality, I will be the first to tell you it sucks and it will be the worst year of your life, shortly followed by the best year of your life. I now have a good job in my field, I have an amazing boyfriend who is really a blessing all on his own, I have a wonderful roommate and I have not-too-terrible social life all of which I never would have had the confidence to work for or even ask for before the surgery.

I feel blessed this holiday season and I hope all of you do too (especially those who might still be in the liquid diet phase, just keep working that straw guys, you'll get to eat anything you want soon).