Friday, March 18, 2016


Okay so 7 months. Damn.

I saw my surgeon and the orthodontist this week and good news from both doctors!!

Surgeon said that everything looks good and he'll see me in a few months and the orthodontist said he thinks my braces can come off on April 13th!!!!!!! Its not for sure yet but he scheduled me for the morning so we had plenty of time to do the work and said that if my teeth look good he will just take them off then and put me in the retainers! I'm going to have two invisible retainers to wear during the day and one "splint" retainer to wear at night that is just a precaution so my teeth stay in place. One of the techs at the orthodontist's office said I was one of her favorite cases and that getting braces off in 13 months is unheard of (5 months ahead of schedule!). I am super excited and I can't wait to celebrate!

Thats all the updates I have! I'll post again on April 13th!!!!

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