Wednesday, April 27, 2016


Hello blogisphere, THE BRACES ARE EFFING GONE.

Yeah thats right I am no longer a brace face. I celebrated by going out for drinks with my cousin and some friends and it was wonderful.

I have clear retainers for the top and bottom teeth and I will be getting a "splint" in about a month or so, which I will wear at night, as I understand it, it is just a more heavy duty retainer to wear at night more as precaution than anything. I told them that they could give me head gear to wear at night and I wouldn't complain as long as I didn't have the braces anymore. For right now my instructions are to wear the clear retainers "as often as possible" even if that means just at night or when I'm hanging around the house. This is good because they give me a horrible lisp.

As I was warned by all my friends I have been licking my teeth with my tongue incessantly. Its partially because my teeth feel so freaking weird and also because I need to remind myself that the braces aren't there. It seriously felt like I would have them forever.

I have a great job lined up for the summer, the braces are gone, I'm graduating in a couple weeks and it was 60 degrees today. Life is pretty good right now.

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