Tuesday, June 21, 2016


Hi there! I know I am really late with this post but 10 MONTHS POST OP WOOOOO!
I have been crazy busy this month, I have been working 4 days a week, volunteering and taking two online classes, I barely have time to sleep let alone update this blog. 

The only Jaw update I have for you guys is about my new retainer. Its technically called a SomethingICan'tRemember Splint. It is a heavy clear retainer that fits like a night guard and is fused together at the molars. Its job is to hold my teeth and jaw in place while so my jaw isn't hanging to one side or moving too much while I sleep. Its really bulky and rather uncomfortable but I've been pretty good about wearing it. My orthodontist said that if it was too uncomfortable I should alternate nights wearing the Splint and wearing the clear retainers so that is what I have been doing. 

Unfortunately, I have some bad news. I may not be able to post for my 11 month and 1 year post op dates. I am working as a counselor at a camp for children who have experienced trauma and I will have limited internet access while there. Its an 8 week commitment so if I cannot post on the dates I will post as soon as I get back to my regular life at the end of the summer!

This has been such a painful and yet totally amazing process and I am happy that I got to share it with all of you!

Have a great summer everyone!


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