Friday, August 19, 2016


Its here. It happened. I am officially one year Post-Op for double jaw surgery. It has been a wild ride with a lot of huge milestones that I am really happy I got to accomplish with a new confidence I never had before thanks to Yale and Dr. Stienbacher. I had a great senior internship, graduated from college, moved out, got a "big girl" job, met a great guy, made awesome new friends and I am happy that I got to share that all with you. As much as I struggled with this recovery in the beginning, I think I would go back and do it all again because the results were so so worth it. I smile more now than I ever did before.

I can't thank all of you enough for following this blog, it has been a great outlet during this recovery and I love reading all of the comments that have been posted and I encourage you guys to share this blog on all social media and to continue to post comments and questions.  I hope to be able to support as many people as I can who are just starting this process!

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