Sunday, December 20, 2015

4 Months Post-Op

I'm a day late but...FOUR MONTHS WOOOOOOO! Not much to report unless you want to hear about my finals.

Swelling: Just a little on the right side as usual. Bleh.

Eating: Anything I want! I have been eating sandwiches recently but the catch is that I have to squish them flat first, I've been really into grilled cheese.

Jaw Pain: Not too much, my joints hurt when its really cold out. I still can't open my jaw all the way so when I open a little to wide (like when I'm eating a grilled cheese sandwich) I do feel some pain, my jaw shifts side to side a little more now but it also twitches randomly and that can hurt a little bit. Its not so much that any of that is really painful as much as its just annoying or achey.

Weight Loss: None of my pants fit. Its really annoying. Good, but annoying. Leggings are my best friends.

That is really all I have for you this month...but I will have more updates after my next visits with the ortho and the surgeon while I am home on break!

Happy Holidays!!


  1. It's been nice seeing someone who's done this recently. I'm day 3, and continually looking for bright sides.

    1. The first month is definitely the worst, but hopefully you're able to eat soft foods/solids now and that is for sure a bright side to celebrate!
