Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Day 103 (14 weeks post op...Right?)

So I mean this is pretty cool. I look like a totally different person. Thankfully I don't have anything exciting to update about this week.

Swelling: That right jaw dude. It's been a little extra swollen lately but I've been sleeping on my face a lot recently but I'm not sacrificing comfortable sleep for being a little less swollen.

Eating: ANYTHING I WANT YO. Except sandwiches because braces and I can't open all the way yet but I'm getting there. I've been really into pretzels with Nutella lately. So good.

Jaw Pain: My jaw muscles do feel extra tight lately and opening wide is a little more uncomfortable than it has been, but I'm pretty sure thats most likely due to the weather, cold wind and rain are harsh on joints. Bright side: I can almost fit two fingers in my mouth I am so so so so close to being able to do it. 10 more millimeters to go before I can open all the way! I'm really trying to be mindful not to force my jaw open because the surgeon told me that jaw exercises could damage integrity of the surgery and I definitely do not want to do that. Another thing I've noticed is that my joints are twitching like they did way back in the first few weeks post op. Which I am taking as a sign that my muscles and joints are rebuilding.

Weight Loss: I dropped the Thanksgiving weight already and I'm sure if I keep up with eating healthier and exercising I will drop a few more pounds but I am pretty comfortable where I'm at right now so I'm not actively trying to lose weight anymore...mostly because I can't afford to have to buy new pants every few weeks. Thank god its leggings season. Judge me all you want for wearing leggings as pants, I'll fight you. And I'll win because I will have full range of motion because I'm wearing leggings.

Numbness: That one part of my lower lip is still numb but I barely notice it now, and all of the numbness in my chin is gone! Wooo!

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