Sunday, November 29, 2015

Day 100

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I know I did...I gained four pounds this weekend but it was SO WORTH IT.

So last Tuesday I saw the surgeon and the orthodontist and my visit with the surgeon was less than ten minutes and it all looks good! He said definitely no jaw exercises because they don't want to force my jaw in any direction and my full range of motion will come back the more I chew and talk.

Right now I can open 30 mm and I need to get to 40 mm. But that seems doable.

After that I saw Dr. Jeff at the orthodontist and NO MORE BANDS (for now, I might need them again in a few weeks but I'm going to enjoy it while I can) OR SURGICAL HOOKS! They put a chain on my teeth because they were a little gappy in the front, took the zig-zaggy thing off too (yes that is the technical term) which I found out was to keep my teeth from getting loose and moving around during and after the surgery. My teeth feel so much lighter without all that gear on them. Then the girl who was putting my new wires on promised me that at the very latest, the braces will be off by May for my graduation!

I was a little extra swollen after the ortho because I had to hold my jaw open for so long but its going down now.

I will add pictures tomorrow but I am off to a concert with some friends tonight, I just wanted to update on the 100th day because I mean how cool is that?

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