Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Day 77 (11 weeks post-op)

Inching closer to that three month mark!

Happy Halloween! I know I'm a couple days late on that one but I've been a little busy, my roommate from freshman year came up for Halloween weekend and I got to spend most of Sunday with her (I was sick on Saturday and couldn't go out). But we took some really cute pictures.

Swelling: I ditched the jaw bra last week because it was starting to just get in the way so I do have some extra swelling in the morning but it goes away pretty quickly. I also sleep on my stomach now and it no longer hurts to put pressure on my cheeks/jaw, I'm still not sure its a good idea to sleep with a lot of pressure on my face so I usually support my head with my hand or a pillow with all the pressure on my temple. As for other swelling its always that right jaw/cheek, some days I notice it, some days I don't. I've been too preoccupied with getting an internship and keeping up with classwork to think about it.

Eating: Pretty much everything. I had some pizza type food today in the dining hall, it wasn't quite pizza but it wasn't quite anything else but I was able to chew it! AND I ATE A SALAD THIS WEEK. I won't lie to you, it was a little bit of a struggle but I am S L O W L Y getting my range of motion back in my jaw. Aside from super hard/crunchy foods like carrot sticks and celery I'm really not limited to what I can eat.

Jaw Pain: I am still pain free!! WOOO! I am still not able to fit the two fingers in my mouth but stretching out the muscles in my jaw doesn't hurt so I practice a little when I take the bands off to eat. I did notice that when I open my mouth sometimes I can hear a very faint snap/crackle/pop sound in my left joint. It doesn't hurt and its not loud so I'm not that concerned about it. My braces are driving me nuts though, there is one bracket in the back that is grinding into my cheek but I can't put wax on it because its too far back. I can't wait to be done with these things. 

Weight Loss: Leggings are my new best friend, in the vein of honesty, I should confess that I have a severe case of white girl flat ass syndrome. Its disturbing and there are no support groups. But since losing the weight my favorite, perfectly-broken-in-holes-in-the-right-spot jeans have been sagging like Justin Bieber's harem pants. I haven't stepped on a scale in a while but I had to buy new jeans last weekend  and I have gone down two sizes! I'm going home to CT to do some more shopping with my mom this weekend because as much as I love over-sized sweaters they cannot be my whole wardrobe. Though if Boston stays at 60-75 degrees like it has been the last few days I may not need sweaters at all (yay global warming!). I'm still not eating as often or as much as I used to before the surgery because eating still isn't quite mindless and it still takes a good amount of energy to chew certain things so I'm not actively trying tot lose weight at the moment its just kind of an added bonus.

Oh! so for my senior art therapy capstone class we had to pick a personal theme to work with and naturally since art therapy is all about "process over product" I decided to make my theme "personal transformations" in reference to this recovery. I had to write a short paper about it and include visual aids and I made this. Again, asymmetry isn't something you notice until you notice it.


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