Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Day 70 (10 Weeks Post-op)

Holy Jaw surgery Batman! It's been 10 weeks. What? How? HRRNNNGGGGG!

So thankfully again, not much to report on or update about.

Swelling: Right jaw is still more swollen than the rest of my face, but only by a little bit. 

Eating: I feel so well prepared for Thanksgiving. I can eat pretty much everything except sandwiches because I can't open wide enough yet. Steak would be really difficult too but I don't eat steak so thats not really an issue for me. I haven't tried salad or pizza yet but I feel pretty confident that I will be able to eat those things too. I had some melon today that was in really big chunks that I needed to cut into smaller/thiner pieces but chewing it was no problem. This week I also got to eat sesame chicken from the Chinese place at the mall. Chewing is finally starting to feel natural again and my jaw doesn't open by itself anymore.

Jaw pain: No pain! Still a little tight every once in a while but thats not painful. Also, you probably assumed by now, but I forgot to say it in the last post: I CAN BRUSH MY TEETH NORMALLY!!!! Even with the bands on! Okay so its a children's toothbrush that looks like a green crayon but its a toothbrush and I am so happy.

when I went to the orthodontist a few weeks ago they gave me slightly larger bands to use when I ran out of the ones from the hospital. I cheated and started using them about a week after getting them because they are just so much more comfortable on my teeth and I can open wider with them on which is so helpful. Below is a picture of the new bands compared to the old ones.

Thats all I've got for you guys this week. I'm starting to get a lot busier and since I don't anticipate having anymore complications to talk about, I'm thinking I am going to only post about once a week until I reach the 90 day (3 months) mark. After that I'll update like every other week or so just to track the milestones with my final post on the year mark! Woohoo!

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