Saturday, October 24, 2015

Day 66

Wow its been a long time since I posted! I even forgot to post on the 9 week mark last Wednesday. Its mid-terms time so I have been crazy busy. But, I do have some awesome updates:

Swelling: Maybe its just wishful thinking but I'm pretty sure the swelling in the right side of my jaw has gone down slightly! I barely notice it anymore. 

Eating: I don't feel too limited anymore, I just ate a cheeseburger without the bun and had no problems. Sandwiches are still slightly out of my reach because I can open all the way just yet and of course the braces thing. But I think this week I am going to see how I do with pizza and maybe salad. I feel slightly more confident about moving my jaw side to side now so I think I'll give it a shot. 

Jaw Pain: I'm pretty much pain free, the muscles feel tight sometimes but thats not really painful. I do notice some aches after being outside when its cold for a while in my right jaw but I also had that before the surgery. But I can almost fit the width of two fingers in my mouth!!

1 comment:

  1. It seems like your jaw recovery is coming along nicely. It will take some time before you are able to have the full range of motion that you are used to, but don't try and rush the process. I went through a similar operation and only increased my recovery time by trying to push myself. I barely see any swelling in the pictures.

    Cynthia Bowers @ Bay Area TMJ & Sleep Center
