Thursday, October 1, 2015

Day 43

The intense pain I had yesterday has faded to a noticeable but manageable ache. But there are lots of new pain-ish sensations that I didn't notice before too. My right jaw feels really tight and like there is a lot of pressure on it and while it doesn't exactly hurt to open it feels like I'm stretching it too much and if I talk for longer than like 15 minutes it does start to really hurt. My right jaw is a little more swollen than it was yesterday but not enough to really concern me.

My teeth are also crazy sensitive to pressure and my gums are achey again. I figure it has to be a combination of my teeth shifting, the pressure and weight the bands force on my teeth, and that with the added pressure from the weather changes my teeth are really feeling the weight of the surgical steel wires. One of my canines in the front with a hook on it is soooooo sensitive even if my lip puts pressure on it when I put on chapstick sends a sharp zing of pain down into my gum.

Another fun pain sensation is that now I have more feeling in the roof of my mouth and I can feel where my jaw was pulled forward and it kind of feels like a dent but when I put any pressure on it with my tongue it hurts like poking a bruise.

So with all of that new pain eating has been really difficult and painful, today I was able to eat about ten baby-spoonfuls of strawberry greek yogurt and for dinner I cut up about a quarter of a banana and sliced the pieces into tiny chunks but I ended up having to mash them up with the fork because trying to chew/squish them with my tongue was really uncomfortable, I added a little Nutella to make it taste better though. I'm thinking I might have to go back to pure liquids for a day or two until the pain passes. God I hope it only takes a day or two...I emailed the surgeons office yesterday to make sure my theory about the barometric pressure from the rain was right and the doctor told me that having pain is normal as the nerves continue to wake up and that yes joints and nerves can be sensitive to that kind of pressure after surgery and as long as I don't have unusual swelling, redness, fever, chills or any other symptoms of an infection its probably just nerves that decided to wake up ruin my day.

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