Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Day 56 (8 Weeks Post-op)

Not much to report today thank god, I'm a little relieved that nothing has happened that I need to update everyone about.

I've been taking the bands off to eat and WOW does that make a difference! Chewing is so much easier when you don't have to constantly fish food out of your bands! Gross image I know. I still have some trouble chewing as I can only move my jaw up and down for right now but I can open a little wider than I could last week so that is a promising improvement. Last night I was able to eat crackers with the soft pub cheese spread for dinner and it was glorious. I recommend starting with Ritz crackers because they kind of melt in your mouth and also its really satisfying to eat something that makes a crunching sound. The catch is that I can't really bite into the cracker, I have to break it up into little pieces and then put the cheese spread on it before I put it in my mouth but that is a step in the right direction. I still have to remind myself to chew sometimes since I have gotten really used to not chewing anything but I'm learning.

Opening and closing my mouth has gotten easier too, I feel like I have more control over it now and it doesn't feel like its floating open by itself much. Sometimes it feels a little tight when I open but my muscles are still rebuilding themselves so I'm trying to be patient.

I don't notice any significant changes in the swelling, my right jaw is still puffier than the left side but again, I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who really notices that. I also don't sound a lisp-y any more when I speak but it still happens every once in a while where an S sounds like a TH. I can almost whistle again too but alas I still can't touch my tongue to my nose. Soon.

Calendar wise I'm officially two months post-op on Monday, which is weird to think about, it feels like the surgery was yesterday and last year at the same time. It finally feels like there is an end in sight with this, though I am reluctant to say that since every time I say something positive or feel like everything is going according to plan something comes up and I don't want to jinx it. Hopefully all my posts from here on out will be as boring as this one!

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