Sunday, October 4, 2015

Day 46

So the doctors put me on a heavy duty antibiotic and so far I haven't gotten too sick from it but I do get dizzy if I get up to fast and if I eat anything less than 4 hours after taking it my stomach gets upset. But the pain has gone away for the most part which tells me that it was probably some type of infection. However, my ear still feels like its full of fluid or something so I think something is going on with that. Also I've been a little more swollen today than I have in the last few weeks so thats still concerning.

On another note, its really hard to lip sync to my music now. I'm not really a person who dances but I get really serious about lip syncing, its truly a performance but since that isn't an option I have to compensate by dancing like a drunk uncle at a wedding: uninhibited and uncoordinated.

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