Friday, September 4, 2015

Day 16


Its not pretty, and I definitely won't be going on any dinner dates anytime soon but I am eating something in a vaguely solid form and I am thrilled!

To eat these delicious leftovers from last night's attempt requires me to be swift as a coursing river,  have all the force of a great typhoon, all the strength of a raging fire, a baby spoon, a mirror, and at least an hour to kill. Due to not knowing where my teeth are in relation to my numb lips I have to eat in front of a mirror to know where to aim the spoon. I use the end of the baby spoon rather than the actual spoon part, little scoops of mashed potato at a time but before I can put it in my mouth I have to pat it down flat with the tip of my finger, then scrape it off the spoon with the back of my top teeth. It takes a while but it works.

The swelling in my lips has gone down a tad but I'm still puffy everywhere else, no worries, the mashed potatoes will comfort me.

One thing is for sure though, I won't be eating because I'm bored anytime soon. Eating is no longer a mindless activity or something to do while watching TV, it takes a lot of effort and energy and my day from now until I am fully recovered will revolve around when I have time to eat and what I have time to eat. Here goes nothing!

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