Saturday, September 26, 2015

Day 38

I'm FINALLY feeling better again, my kidney doesn't hurt anymore and my jaw pain is so minimal I don't have to take anything for it. I still can't fit a toothbrush between my teeth yet without forcing my jaw open uncomfortably wide but my teeth are slightly less gross looking so I guess thats a start. I'm starting to explore what other kinds of foods I can eat and I have made some discoveries: Rice is not really a good idea. It gets stuck in my braces and its just really hard to keep on the fork. Lo Mein is actually doable if you cut the noodles small enough. My most exciting food experiment was breakfast this morning, I made french toast, I had to use a little extra butter to make the bread soft enough but man it was so good to eat like a real human again. More exciting news is that I lost another five pounds, but that might change after my next appointment with the surgeon. My return to chewing will be legen--wait for it--dary. (I'm a How I Met Your Mother fan don't judge me). I really miss salad and sandwiches though but now that I can eat pasta (as long as it doesn't need to be chewed and I can just squish it with my tongue) I have a few more options.

Also, happy birthday to my Mama Lady, definitely couldn't have survived this surgery and recovery without her support!

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