Friday, September 18, 2015

Day 29/30

This might be the most important post I have made so far.

After the trip to the ER I decided it was best to come home for a couple days rather than try to deal with all of the aftermath up at school and I am so glad I did. Yesterday I met with my primary doctor who further recommended that I see a Urologist to make sure there were no complications with the swelling of my kidney from passing the kidney stone. I went to the Urologist today and she was the most helpful person so far.

Firstly, beware of Turmeric. It is great for inflammation and pain. However it has been linked to the development of kidney stones in people who are already prone to developing them.

I am apparently one of these lucky people. The Urologist agreed that my funky diet, the heat, me not hydrating as well as I should, and a genetic pre-disposition were all key factors in me developing kidney stones and taking a few doses of Turmeric just kicked it into gear. Luckily she also thinks this is a one time thing for me and that I will probably not have anymore episodes as long as I remain well hydrated. Just to be safe she gave me a list of foods that have oxalates in them that contribute to kidney stones that I should avoid. She also recommended that I try extra strength Tylenol for the pain in my jaw, apparently what I have been taking has had Acetaminophen in it but they were all also NSAID products and that was what was causing the swelling reaction (for which I now have an EpiPen) furthermore, if the Tylenol doesn't work I can get a prescription for a Tylenol-like medicine from my doctor that is not narcotic like Dilaudid (learned how to spell it) but is strong enough to combat severe pain. I just took Extra Strength Tylenol about an hour ago and so far, no swelling! Thank god!

The moral of the story is: HYDRATE HYDRATE HYDRATE! Just because you are on a liquid diet does not mean you are hydrating.

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