Monday, September 28, 2015

Day 40

Its been 40 days and 40 nights. On Wednesday I will be 6 weeks post op! Honestly I was really thinking that after 6 weeks I would feel back to normal but I definitely don't, like its definitely going to take some work to get back to a normal diet and the doctor kind of made it sound like I would be able to jump right into it. Lol nope. This morning I decided to eat some Greek yogurt for breakfast and I grabbed a plastic spoon to scoop it out of the giant container and put it into a little cup, then I tried to eat off the spoon and failed miserably, its almost like regular spoons are too deep. Its weird. My lips are still numb though I do have more feeling in my top lip than I do in my bottom lip. The left corner of my bottom lip is still REALLY numb like when I touch it I can feel that theres pressure on it but nothing else. I also noticed that my back teeth are starting to get really sensitive.

Other than that I really have nothing else to report.

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